The artist's way :|ba spiritual path to higher creativity

Cameron, Julia

The artist's way :|ba spiritual path to higher creativity Cameron, Julia - London Pan macmillan 1995 - 223 p 23 cm

Spiritual electricity: The basic principles -- Basic tools -- Week 1: Recovering a sense of safety -- Week 2: Recovering a sense of identity -- Week 3: Recovering a sense of power -- Week 4: Recovering a sense of integrity -- Week 5: Recovering a sense of possibility -- Week 6: Recovering a sense of abundance -- Week 7: Recovering a sense of connection -- Week 8: Recovering a sense of strength -- Week 9: Recovering a sense of compassion -- Week 10: Recovering a sense of self-protection -- Week 11:Recovering a sense of autonomy -- Week 12: Recovering a sense of faith


--Problems, exercises--Problems, exercises

153.35 / C182A 1995
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